Page 39 - Insights Into The Scriptures - The Jaredites
P. 39
all their comments, the five of us on the boat soon enjoyed the smooth
forward strokes of the Peruvians rowing us across the lake.
I climbed on the upper deck so I could enjoy the view. For most of
the trip, I had it all to myself. The others were a little nervous about it
tipping and dumping them off. But the boat was extremely steady and
didn’t rock nearly as much as the motorboat did that we had come in. It
was a very pleasant trip. The men told us the boat, though sturdy, was
relatively light. They could row it at a good pace.
Figure 18: Traveling on reed boat on Lake Titicaca
(author is on top deck)
When we got to the next island, we assumed our group would
already be there, but they weren’t. The three of us received a royal
welcome and a grand tour all to ourselves. We wondered if our motorboat
had come and left quickly, but the people said no other boat had arrived.
However, since none of us spoke much Spanish, and they spoke little
English, we weren’t sure whether they actually understood what we asked
or if we misunderstood their answer.