Page 35 - Insights Into The Scriptures - The Jaredites
P. 35
Figure 15: Pulling up to a floating reed island.
And even though we were supposed to be stepping back to a time
centuries earlier, the little Peruvian women were there with their tables
selling modern trinkets, though they might have done that anciently as
I have always been fascinated with how people live, so while my
colleagues bought necklaces, trinkets, and small bags with llama pictures
sewn on the sides, I went to one of three reed huts on the island. Using
more signing than language, I asked the man if I could see what his home
was like.
He smiled and said the usual reply, “One sol or one dolla’.” The
exchange rate at the time was three sol to a dollar, so I made sure I carried
a good supply of sol for just such purposes. After all, a person doesn’t
want to lose their sol (soul). So, I paid him the sol, and he moved aside the
colorful tapestry that hung over the door to escort me into the one-room
The room was about ten feet by ten feet (3.5 meters by 3.5 meters).
The furniture inside was all made of reeds. There was a reed bed that was