Page 24 - Insights Into The Scriptures - The Jaredites
P. 24

Figure 9: Rock carving at Etemenanki highlighted

             Of course, we don’t know exactly where the tower of Babel was.
      The Bible tells us it was in the plains of Shinar.  (Genesis 11:2).
      According to Answers in Genesis [13][WL], there is a place named Shinar.
      However, it is unlikely that is what the Bible is referring to since it didn’t
      exist as a place when Hebrew was a local language.  Shinar appears to have
      different spellings and different variations in many of the cultures and
      languages of that area.  It also has quite a few interpretations.

             Habermehl [13] says some of these interpretations include “to shake
      out” as a reference to the dispersion of the people from the Tower of Babel.
      But Habermehl says that he believes that Shinar is instead a combination of
      two Hebrew words, “shene nahar,” which would be “two rivers.”  This
      would mean the city was where two rivers met, diverged, or were near each

             Habermehl [13] goes on to say that this would be close to the Greek
      term, “Mesopotamia,” meaning the land of the two rivers.  This is a name
      often used to reference the land around the Tigris and Euphrates rivers.
      This would be the area between modern-day Iraq and Iran.

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