Page 8 - Publishing Inspiration Christmas Card 2015
P. 8

Of Love and Gratitude

            Sally had been married for seven years, and
     all she wanted was to be a mother.  Only a few

     months after she was married, she had prepared

     a nursery for the baby she dreamed of having.
            But the years passed, and no baby came.

     She spent lots of money on doctors and
     specialists, but the final verdict was that she

     would never be able to have a baby.  She had

     spent the last seven years praying for a child,
     and now that she felt God had abandoned her,

     she, in her bitterness, abandoned him.

            She watched a news report of a young,
     teenage mother who had a baby she didn’t want

     and left it to die, and resentment began to grow
     in Sally’s heart.  How could God be so unjust?

     She knew she could have given that child the

     love her empty arms ached to give.
            Feeling the way she did, Sally refused to

     attend her family’s Thanksgiving gathering.  In

     her heart she felt there was nothing left to be
     thankful for.  Then, a few days after

     Thanksgiving, a knock came on her door.

     There stood a young woman who was obviously

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