Page 5 - Publishing Inspiration Christmas Card 2015
P. 5

without it.

            When they graduated, John was happy at

     the thought of being free of the insults and
     derision.  But then World War II came, and

     both David and John were drafted into the

     army, and to John’s dismay, they ended up in
     the same platoon.  Through basic training, John

     tried to avoid David as much as possible, but he

     was still forced to endure a lot of harassment
     from him and his friends.

            As time went on, David became more and
     more popular.  His family sent him many gifts

     from home, and David shared them throughout

     the platoon, but never with John.  John, on the
     other hand, received nothing more than the

     occasional letter from home.

            Eventually, they were deployed to Europe.
     Their company saw a lot of action and most

     thoughts turned to surviving.  Then came the
     Battle of the Bulge, and the fighting intensified.

     Under a fierce bombardment, they were  forced

     to fall back, and as they did, a shell struck
     killing some of David’s squad and wounding

     him.  The rest raced for cover, and David was

     left, wounded and dying, on the battlefield.

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