Page 13 - Publishing Inspiration Christmas Card 2015
P. 13

come over when he saw us.  I worked patiently

     with the two boys.  Sometime I think I felt

     worse watching them fall down than they did.
     There were times I wanted to run to them and

     pick them up, but I knew I couldn’t.  I always

     told them, as I told my whole team, “Getting up
     each time we fall is what makes us stronger.”

            The two boys did grow stronger and could

     eventually run all the way to a single base
     without falling down.  For batting, I started

     having them just hold their bats out and I would
     pitch at it.  Gradually they started swinging the

     bat, and eventually they were able to hit the

     ball.  The other children were far better, but
     each day I could see improvement in the two


            When we played our first game, I made
     sure every child played.  It was not important to

     me if we won.  I had only agreed to coach to
     build children.  Sometimes the other children

     would become frustrated with my son and with

     Timmy, but I always ran interference.
     Sometimes parents could be even meaner, but I

     talked with them before our first game and

     made it clear how I felt.  For the most part they

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