Page 6 - Publishing Inspiration Christmas Card 2015
P. 6

As he lay there with bullets whizzing past

     and shells falling all around, he was sure that

     one of his many friends would come to his
     rescue.  Some time passed, and no one came.

     David had just about given up hope when he

     realized that someone was crawling toward him.
     The man worked under heavy fire to drag David

     back toward their line, and as he did, three

     times he was knocked down, twice from bullets
     and once by shrapnel from an explosion.  But,

     eventually, he pulled David to safety, and as he
     did, he collapsed from loss of blood.  That was

     when David finally got a look at who had saved

     him, and he gasped to see that it was John.
            When David woke in the field hospital, he

     saw that he still had both arms and both legs.

     He asked the nurse about his condition and was
     told that he should make a full recovery.  He

     then looked for John, and when he saw him, he
     noticed that he was missing a leg and had a

     horrible head wound.  When David asked the

     nurse about John’s condition, he was told his
     chance of survival wasn’t very good.

            He asked if his bed could be next to John’s,

     and his request was granted.  Though John lay

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