Page 4 - Publishing Inspiration Christmas Card 2015
P. 4

A Tale of Two Soldiers

            David and John were two men from the
     same small town who grew up on opposite sides

     of society.  David was from the richest family

     in town.  His family owned much of the land
     and some big companies, employing more than

     half of those who lived there.  He didn’t know
     what hard work was, having had everything he

     needed or wanted handed to him.

            John’s family was poor, and due to illness
     and medical costs, there was seldom enough to

     eat.  As he grew older, in order to help out his

     family, he obtained a job on one of the farms
     that David’s family owned.  Every day after

     school, he changed into patched clothes and
     worked at back breaking labor until after dark.

     He never had time for the fun activities most

     kids his age enjoyed.
            David and John were in the same grade in

     school, and David viewed John with disdain.

     He mocked him and made his life miserable.
     More than once, in the depths of winter, David

     and his friends took John’s threadbare coat,

     forcing him to endure the frigid temperature

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