Page 33 - Publishing Inspiration Christmas Card 2010
P. 33

critters came.  They took another couple dozen

     ears, but I still have lots.  They are quite smart.

     They pushed some of my potatoes over and

     shorted out the fence.  But I dug out the row of

     potatoes closest to the fence so they can’t do it

     again.  My neighbor brought over some corn he

     bought at the farmer’s market.  He had such a

     smug look on his face that I wouldn’t have

     taken it, but I didn’t have any that was ripe that

     wasn’t eaten, so I did just this once.

             August 27 - I got hit by the thievin’ no-

     good bandits again.  Why didn’t Noah throw

     them overboard when he had a chance?  I know

     why God put masks on the rottin’, miserable,

     little critters.  He wanted to hide their identities.

     They dug under my fence this time.  I

     unplugged it and started filling in the holes.

     One of my kids didn’t know I was out there,

     and saw the cord unplugged, and decided to be

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