Page 28 - Super Cowboy Rides Again
P. 28

wrote to each other almost every week, and Grandma
always looked forward to Finch’s letters.

      One of the ladies at the center took the letter from
me and stuck it in a drawer. She pulled out another and
handed it to me. In beautiful printing was the name
“Gardenia.” I had learned that that was Grandma’s pen
name. I had once thought it was her real name and
called her by it, only to make her mad. She didn’t want
anyone to know what her pen name was. The first time
she sent me there was before I could read. She thought
her secret was safe that way, but after a year in school
the secret was lost.

      She had sworn me to secrecy, and I had never
betrayed her trust, though curiosity always ate at me. I
thanked the lady for the letter and headed on my way,
walking a little faster because I knew I had been gone
long enough that Grandma might come after me.
Besides, the electric cord was heavy.

      By the time I got back, I knew by the way she

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