Page 58 - RotalTutor
P. 58

     her gulp a couple of deep breaths.  He now seemed distant     and reserved.  That was not what she wanted - not now.  In     that instant he had stood up for her to her father, everything     had changed.  Now she wanted him to be the one thing she     had never allowed before - she wanted him to be her friend.            He continued on.  “It isn’t much.  I could only sneak     some soft rolls, a little cheese, roast pork, and a flask of     grape juice, but I hope it will be filling to you.”            “You shouldn’t have,” she said.  “You could have     gotten in big trouble.  You know what my father said.”            “Your father said I was to go hungry,” Alexander     replied.  “He didn’t directly say it to you.  I am not going to     allow you to go hungry for my misdeed, especially on this     night that should be such a joyous one for you.”  He bowed     low and formally to her.  “I will be just outside the door     when you are ready, Your Highness.”            As he shut the door behind himself, Louise could not     keep the tears from coming.  “Oh, please, Alexander,” she     said to herself.  “Don’t turn away from me now - not now     that I’m beginning to...”            She started to sob.  Beginning to what?  Beginning to     feel?  Beginning to understand?  What was she beginning     to understand?  Something was changing in her, but she     couldn’t put it into words.            But in an instant, he had changed, too.  He seemed     crushed and defeated.  The warm, humorous Alexander     was no longer there.  He was now trying to pull away from     her, to lock his heart against her and anything that was her.                                       56
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