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a year older than herself, but his parents treated him like an adult. Her parents wouldn’t put her in charge of anything. Alexander first assigned some servants to help the men of the Royal Guard and the drivers take care of the horses, while he directed other servants to help carry the luggage. As Alexander reached for some of Louise’s luggage, she could stand it no longer. She reached out to jerk it from him. “I don’t need help from any stuffed shirt, know- it-all, wimpy boy.” He held tight and, as she jerked at the handbag, she was surprised to see how strong he was. For an instant the thought crossed her mind that she might be wrong about how soft he was. Then her anger overcame her when he did not relinquish it to her at her command. She took a deep breath and jerked with all her might. He waited for her jerk and let go at that same moment, sending her flat on her back into the dirt with the handbag on top of her. The corners of Alexander mouth turned up slightly, as she wrestled the heavy bag off of herself. “As you wish, Your Highness.” He offered her his hand, but she whacked it away. He then turned and picked up a bag belonging to Lady Elizabeth, one of her ladies-in-waiting, and, offering Elizabeth his arm, he led her up to the guest room. Louise was so upset she couldn’t see straight, and she found herself tripping up the stairs after them, followed by her other lady-in-waiting, Marina. She found herself panting, and she felt like her arms would fall off by the time they 27