Page 27 - RotalTutor
P. 27

     toward her parents.            As she approached her carriage to leave, there was     little emotion expressed by either her or her father.  Her     mother had tears streaming down her face, but was careful     in what she said.  Her father softened slightly, but she     brushed him off as he tried to kiss her goodbye.  She     stepped solemnly into the carriage, her ladies-in-waiting     already there, and, with a command to the driver, they were     off.  They were followed by a contingent of the Royal     Guard, two heavily-laden wagons carrying everything her     mother insisted she needed, and two supply wagons for the     trip.            The caravan hadn’t traveled more than a half-mile     down the road when her tough exterior melted away, and     she started to sob right in front of her ladies-in-waiting.     They tried to comfort her, but she told them to leave her     alone.  They rode most of the day in silence, broken only     by her own sniffling and the quiet tearfulness of her     attendants.  She hadn’t stopped to realize that they were     being taken away from their own homes as well.  She gave     them a charge that her parents were not to hear that she was     upset about leaving.            She kept to herself for most of the two and a half     weeks they journeyed north.  It normally would have taken     only half as long, but they were slowed by the wagons.     When they finally arrived at Denville Castle she was     sullen, dirty, and temperamental.  There to greet her with a     warm smile were Duke Reginald and Lady Margaret.  This                                       25
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