Page 33 - RotalTutor
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her. “Yes, Your Highness. Perhaps you are beyond help.” He turned and slipped from the room while she was still contemplating what he had said, and deciding what she could throw at him. Again she felt he had gotten the upper hand, and her ego was still smarting from the fall by the carriage. She would get the best of him yet. She didn’t know how, but she would. By the time dinner was called, she was famished. She was sure that Elizabeth and Marina must be, as well, but she considered that they had slipped out of the room a couple of times, and were gone for some length of time. She was sure that Alexander had provided some food for them. But she was not about to lower herself to allow him do something for her. She was seated directly across from Alexander at the table. As she tried to elegantly wolf down the dinner placed before her, she could think of nothing else but eating. But, as she started to get her fill, she realized that all eyes were upon her. Duke Reginald and Lady Margaret looked concerned since she ate so much so quickly. Alexander sported an amused smile. She was sure he enjoyed her hunger since she had refused his offer earlier. It was then, as she saw the distinctive cup he used, the one with his name emblazoned on it, that she thought of a way she could wipe that smirk off of his face. If she could just get something nasty in it, she would see him lose his composure. But what? She would have to plan it carefully. The thought of him choking and gasping at the 31