Page 26 - RotalTutor
P. 26

     prevailed again, suggesting that if their daughter was to be     queen someday, it might be good for her to see the other     parts of the kingdom.  And Bernodia was the farthest     northern province, right next to Esconodia, on their wildest     frontier.  If she was to rule, she ought to learn about the     people.            The king finally, reluctantly, agreed, but Louise     knew it was mostly because he was at a loss as to what else     to do.  As for her, she had agreed to go if only to show     them that she could be independent of them.  But as time     grew closer for her departure, her apprehension increased.            She didn’t know Duke Reginald and Lady Margaret     very well.  Lady Margaret had been one of her own     mother’s ladies-in-waiting until she had caught Duke     Reginald’s eye, and he had courted her.  She knew that her     mother was very fond of both of them, and she was quite     sure that was the underlying reason that her mother had     chosen them.            The day for the trip north quickly drew near.  Her     mother fussed over her, making sure she took half of the     palace with her.  Her father became sullen, and only spoke     to her grudgingly.  Louise knew that much of that was her     own fault.  She was filled with both uncertainty and     downright fear of leaving home.  That was coupled with     the fact that she didn’t dare show any feminine emotion     after her big display of independence.  It all made her heart     tremble within her.  The more she bottled up her fear of     leaving home, the more it came out in obnoxiousness                                       24
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