Page 15 - Publishing Inspiration Christmas Card 2023
P. 15

gathering eggs, picking raspberries, or whatever I could find outside to do in
     hopes I would run into him.  He started helping with my chores so we could
     spend time together.  Sometimes we would take a break, sit by the stream, and
            “My uncle didn’t like that for two reasons.  He said I had chores to do
     and was not getting them done.  But I think more than anything, he was afraid
     I’d leave, and he wouldn’t have free help.  He forbade me from seeing William,
     but I ignored him.
            “I told him that he didn’t own me, and I could visit with William if I
     wanted to.  That angered him, and he slapped me.  He had threatened to before,
     but that was the first time he had.  But that wasn’t the last time.  He started
     locking me in my room, but I would find ways to escape.  Sometimes it was
     with Leah’s help.  But I always kept that secret because I didn’t want her to get
     her in trouble.
            “Then came the day that William came to ask me to marry him.  My
     uncle was furious and said I couldn’t get married without his permission
     because I was barely seventeen, and he was my guardian.  But that was not
     about to stop William.  He was as determined as anyone I’ve ever known.
            “I cried, worried that I’d lose William.  But William told me not to
     worry.  He said he would find a way.  And that’s what he set out to do.

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