Page 17 - Publishing Inspiration Christmas Card 2023
P. 17

“Really?” the judge said.  “But I understand your own children went to
     school.  And do you really have the skills to teach her the required subjects,
     including reading, writing, and math?”
            “Yes,” the uncle replied.
            “I have a minor in math,” the judge said.  “I will have you answer a few
     algebra questions to verify that.”
            The uncle’s face turned white.  “Well, maybe not so much in math.”  He
     paused briefly, then said, “Perhaps I should just withdraw my adoption request.”
            “That might be a good idea,” the judge replied.  “But I don’t like people
     lying to me.  I think we need to consider the issue of her inheritance and what you
     have done with it.”
            Mrs. Levi paused her story so I asked, “Did you ever get any of your
            She shook her head.  “My uncle had gambled it away.  I probably could
     have pushed for it, but I just wanted to start a new life outside the control of my
     aunt and uncle.  So later that day, William’s family joined us, and that same judge
     married us.  I wanted to have my cousin, Leah, come, too, but my aunt and uncle
     wouldn’t let her.”
            I looked at her hand.  “That’s a pretty ring he got you.”
            She laughed.  “Oh, this isn’t the ring William gave me when we were
     married.  He had spent all his money on the lawyer.  He gave me a prairie
     diamond.  Do you know what that is?”
            “I’ve read about it in pioneer stories,” I replied, “but I don’t really know
     what it is.”
            She went and got the ring and showed it to me.  It was a horseshoe nail
     bent in a circle.
            “Many people who had little money got them,” Mrs. Levi said.  “They only
     cost five cents at the local blacksmith shop.  But I loved this ring and the fact it
     represented William's love for me.  But William still wanted me to have something
     nice.  That’s why he bought the cookie jar.  He knew I loved cookies, and it was
     all he could afford.”
            She smiled and seemed caught up in the memory. “For a few years, we
     were so happy.”
            She paused a moment, then looked up at me.  “Then the United States
     entered into The Great War, and William was called to serve.”

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