Page 13 - Publishing Inspiration Christmas Card 2023
P. 13

apples, filling a half-dozen boxes.  It was then time to carry them to the root cellar
     under the house.
            I could tell Mrs. Levi was shivering, and I suggested she go inside.  “I
     think I have enough moonlight to carry everything,” I said.
            She thanked me and went in to get warm.  I opened the old doors that led
     under the house.  It took another twenty minutes to carry the boxes carefully down
     the old stairs into the damp cellar.  I finished and shut the doors, locking the food
     away for winter.
            When I stepped into the house, she held out the cookie jar full of cookies.
     “Did you have many trick-or-treaters come?” I asked as I grabbed a couple.
            “Not a one,” she replied.  “I think they prefer store-bought candy, but I
     can’t afford it.”
            “Not me,” I said.  “I’d take your cookies over store candy any day.”
            She smiled and held the jar out again.  “Make sure you have a bunch,” she
     said.  “I can’t eat all of these.”
            “I love your old cookie jar,” I said.  “I don’t think I’ve seen one like it
     anywhere else.”
            “William gave it to me on our wedding day,” she said.  “He knew I liked to
     bake cookies.”
            When she mentioned her wedding day, her eyes softened.  “Have I ever
     told you how William and I met?”  I shook my head, so she continued.  “It’s a long
            I looked at my watch.  My friends were probably finishing their party, and
     they wouldn’t miss me, anyway.  Little did I know, they were in jail.  But that’s a
     different story.
            “Let me call my parents,” I said, “then I’d love to hear it.”
            She heated water for hot chocolate while I made the call, then I settled
     onto the couch across from her chair, with the cookie jar and a cup of chocolate
     beside me.  Then I listened to an interesting story.

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