Page 23 - Publishing Inspiration Christmas Card 2020
P. 23
Just Need a Hug
I don't get much chance to play Santa, but I
like to when I can. And I never do it for pay
because that takes away from the reason I do it.
Each time I get the chance to brighten the lives of
children, I always feel it is I who come away
better for the experience.
This year, I was Santa for a big group of
children. The director sent me instructions on
when to come in. At the right time, I jingled the
bells in my hand and made my way into the hall.
As I stood waving, before going to take my place,
a young girl, about three years old, came over and
hugged my knees.
I knelt down and talked to her. I asked her if
she was going to come up and visit with me. In
wide-eyed wonder, she nodded. As she and I
were talking, a little boy on the first row saw me.
He put down what he was playing with and came
running with arms spread wide. He threw his
arms around my neck and hugged me for quite
some time before his mother called to him. When
he pulled away, I also asked him if he was going
to come up and see me. He nodded vehemently.
Once I was settled in the chair that was