Page 23 - Publishing Inspiration Christmas Card 2015
P. 23

Her eyes grew wide with wonder.


            “Yes,” I replied.  “Even Santa can have one
     of those days, or nights, as it may be.  So what

     would you like for Christmas?”

            She sat up straight and looked right at me
     very seriously.  “I want a baby brother so

     everyone will quit calling me the baby of the

            Brittany’s mom was there taking pictures,

     and she let out an exasperated gasp.  “Brittany, I
     have told you and told you that you are not

     getting a baby brother!”

            Brittany leaned up close and whispered in
     my ear.  “You see how she is?  I decided it was

     time to go over her head.”

            I laughed.  “You know, Brittany, I’m not
     sure Santa is over your mom’s head on this

            Yes, even Santa has limitations on what he

     can do.

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