Page 28 - Publishing Inspiration Christmas Card 2015
P. 28
New Year’s Motivation
I started out the year well, determined to
lose weight. I worked out every morning for
quite a while, and barely saw the weight drop,
though I could tell I was putting on more
muscle. Then, as usually happens, there came a
week when I was burning the candle at both
ends, and trying to squeeze out one more
minute for exercise was absolutely impossible.
After having missed one week, it was easier
to exercise fewer days the next week, and fewer
the next, and soon I had given up all together.
Every once in a while I would give a
halfhearted try at restarting, but it never lasted.
And then came Christmas time. With all of
the candies, cookies, and cakes, I watched my
weight start to climb again. The calves that we
raise can gain a couple of pounds per day, and I
told my wife that I could best them any day of
the week.
It was also during this holiday season that I
made the determination to visit people I hadn’t
seen in some time. One couple, the Masters,
had lived in our community for many years.