Page 18 - Publishing Inspiration Christmas Card 2015
P. 18

was a singular sensation.  It was like stepping

     onto a waterbed made of reeds.  The feeling is

     hard to describe.
            We looked at how they cooked food in clay

     cook stoves built to insulate the heat away from

     the reeds.  They showed us how they added
     more reeds to the top of the island while the

     ones on the bottom gradually rotted away.

     Through an interpreter, they told us they lived
     mostly on fish and birds from the lake, along

     with money from tourists.
            On this particular island there were five

     small reed huts, each about ten feet by ten feet

     in size.  I asked if the island’s occupants were
     all members of the same family.  An old

     Peruvian shook his head.  He said they got

     along better if they weren’t related, so as
     children grew older, they would often find a

     different one to live on, or start their own.
            For a price, those living there would tell or

     show us anything we had an interest in, so I

     motioned that I would like to see what one of
     their huts looked like on the inside.  One of the

     younger men held out his hand and said, in

     broken English, “For dollar.”  I pulled out a

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