Page 20 - Publishing Inspiration Christmas Card 2015
P. 20

Even Santa Has Limitations

            The community Christmas party was only a
     few days away when the woman in charge

     called and asked, “Daris, would you be willing

     to be Santa at our Christmas party this year?”
            I taught the children music at church and

     knew them well.  I love children and thought
     this would be a fun thing to do.  I have also

     done a lot of acting and felt I could disguise my

     voice enough that they wouldn’t recognize me,
     so I accepted.

            The night came, and after the community

     dinner, I dressed in the red garb, black boots,
     and fake beard and wig.  At the appointed time,

     I ho-hoed my way into the big hall.  The
     children rushed around me, and the adults had

     to clear a path so I could make my way to the

     chair that had been prepared for me.
            The first child of the night was a

     rambunctious little boy who pushed his way to

     the front of the line.  He had more energy than a
     level five hurricane and could be a challenging

     little boy, but I loved him.

            I pulled him onto my lap.  “So, Jason, have

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