Page 18 - Publishing Inspiration Christmas Card 2013
P. 18

parents to raise a child, and they were always turned

            Finally, they applied to be foster parents.  At first,
     the state would not place any children in their home.  But,
     one day, Norma received a call.  There was a young child
     that had a handicap, and the state couldn’t get anyone else

     to take her.  Norma jumped at the chance.  Though the
     state only meant it to be temporary, Norma and Tom
     showed they were very capable and, in fact, their own
     handicaps gave them more understanding and patience.  It
     wasn’t too long before the state allowed them to adopt

            One after another, each time the state had a child
     that no one else wanted, Norma and Tom would take the
     child into their home, love them, and eventually receive
     permission to adopt them.  And, thus, their family grew.

            Then, due to complications from the disease, Tom’s
     health started to fail.  His passing was a great loss to the
     family, and the state was concerned whether Norma
     would be able to handle all of the children on her own.
     She informed them that her children were more important

     to her than anything else in her life, and she would be
     fine.  As the state monitored the situation, they agreed,
     and, in fact, even allowed her to adopt one more child to
     round out her family.
            Little Emily was the last, and was only six years old

     when she came into this unique family.  She was a Down
     Syndrome girl.  In her young life, she had been in home
     after home, some for less than a month, and none for
     more than a couple.  By Thanksgiving she had been in
     Norma’s home for almost a year, and, for the first time in

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