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P. 78
Chapter 7 Learning About The People of Bernodia, Especially One l Louise regarded that summer at Denville as one of the happiest times in her life. She and Alexander traveled together all over Bernodia. The people truly did love him. When he traveled, he did not stay at inns, as many travelers did. He had so many friends among the common people that he was always invited to stay in their homes, which was exactly what he enjoyed doing. He didn’t do it out of economics. Though the people would refuse to take anything from him, he always found a way to hide some money where they would find it later. For that reason, he often chose the homes of those who could use it the most. “The worthy poor,” he called them. They all knew he did this and would jokingly threaten him if he did it again. He would only look innocent and declare he had no idea what they were talking about. It seemed to be a game between them - him trying to secretly hide the money and them trying to catch him at it. They never did catch him, and he even involved Louise in the game. More than once she helped to distract a good man or woman of the house so Alexander could leave a few gold coins in their cupboard. The poorer the family, the more he left. He also always left them with another gift which they gladly accepted. He had dug up many little strawberry 76