Page 73 - RotalTutor
P. 73

     control.  By the look on his face, Louise knew he thought     she was going to mention it.  He stumbled over his words     as he spoke.  “Well, it’s just...”            Louise interrupted him, turning to Duke Reginald     and Lady Margaret.  “Father felt that if I were to be queen     someday, it would be good if I could get out and meet the     people.”            The king breathed a sigh of relief.  “Exactly!”            “But that is exactly the problem,” Louise said.            The king looked at her narrowly.  “In what way?”            “Alexander is a native son here.  The people love and     respect him, and I feel totally safe when I travel with him.     I’m not so sure they would feel the same way about an     outsider like Sir Phillip, especially where he is so wealthy     and many of the people here are so poor.”            The king’s expression showed his thoughts, and     Louise continued.  “I suppose you could always send an     army with us everywhere we went, but I’m afraid that     would only make the people suspicious and unfriendly.”            The king turned to Duke Reginald.  Duke Reginald     nodded his agreement.  “It is true, Sire.  I could more than     guarantee her safety if she is with my son.  I am not sure I     could say the same about an outsider.”            The king still paused.  Louise took a bite and chewed     slowly, as if she didn’t have a care in the world, disguising     her anxiety.  She saw her mother reach out and touch her     father on the arm.  He turned to look at her, and she nodded     reassuringly.                                       71
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