Page 76 - RotalTutor
P. 76

     raced with many dreadful thoughts.            The three men continued walking their horses toward     the gate.  Alexander sat tall and straight on Lady.  The     people were waving, and, as they reached the gate,     Alexander turned in his saddle to wave back.  He seemed     to be searching the crowd - gazing among the people.  She     suddenly realized he was looking for her.  Where was the     messenger?  The doubts started coming faster and faster.     She was ready to deliver the message herself when, as     Alexander was disappearing from sight, a young man came     running full speed through the court yard.  Dodging     through the people, he ran swiftly after the three men.  The     crowd, sensing something was happening, collectively held     their breath.            It seemed like forever to Louse before the men     returned.  The crowd cheered as news spread that     Alexander would be staying.  Alexander searched the     crowd more vigorously, as if he knew why he had returned,     and then he saw her.  Their eyes met, and he smiled.  She     returned his smile as she melted into the shadows of the     balcony.            Louise’s parents stayed for two more days.  She     made sure not to show any kind of affinity for Alexander.     That was hard for her, because she now found herself     yearning to be with him as much as possible.   Louise tried     very hard to get along with her father during those two     days, and, indeed, found a closeness to him she hadn’t     enjoyed in a long time.  He even accompanied her and                                       74
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