Page 37 - RotalTutor
P. 37

     Elizabeth and Marina to help her.  They were reluctant and     tried to beg out of it, but that only made her angrier.  At     times she was sure that they warned him ahead of the     event, tripping up her plans, but she couldn’t prove it.     Furthermore, she had to have an escort on her rides around     the countryside.  She could either remain indoors or     tolerate his company.            After nearly a month, she was running out of sinister     ideas to antagonize him.  Up to that point she had avoided     visiting any of the towns in Bernodia, thinking they     weren’t worth her time, especially if it had to be time spent     with Alexander.  But when he invited her to ride to a     mountain village, she happened on a plan to embarrass     him, so she agreed to go.            It would be a long day’s journey there and back.     Alexander had a nice picnic for them packed in his saddle     bags.  Her saddle bags contained some dried meats, cheese,     and breads for her to snack on during their return trip.            Her plan required a bribed servant, a chicken fed     with fermented grain to produce a drunken stupor, and a     few moments without Alexander watching her.  She asked     him to slip back in and get her some extra water.  She     demanded that Marina and Elizabeth watch for him and     stall him on his way back to the horses.  While he was gone     she quickly retrieved the bird from the servant, yanked out     their wonderful picnic, and stuffed in the drunken chicken.     She threw the beautiful ice-wrapped roast beef, the cake,     and the soft rolls into a horse stall.                                       35
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