Page 18 - LIfesOuttakes5
P. 18

          The Best Comeback To Stupid Pickup Lines            Phil, my roommate, stopped me as I gathered my     books to go study at the library.  “Don’t you think that     maybe you study too much?”            “I doubt it,” I replied.  “I need to keep good     grades so I can retain my scholarships, or I won’t have     enough money to pay for college.”            “I’m glad my parents are paying for my college so     I don’t have to worry about that,” Phil said.            “You know, it really wouldn’t hurt for you to put     a little more time into your schooling,” I told him.            Phil laughed.  “Maybe we could both learn from     each other.”            I had my doubts.  I was taking 21 credits to     maximize my education for the cost of the tuition.  My     classes consisted of two math classes, a computer     science class, a physics class, English, and two other     required courses.  Phil had six credits including     bowling, social dance, and another elective, and he still     complained about being overworked.  In addition, I had                                       12
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