Page 5 - Publishing Inspiration Christmas Card 2023
P. 5

amazement to find the little dog standing with his paws on the fence of the
     nursing home courtyard, just as he did when they went on their walks.  And
     that’s where Gary found Bo day after day.
            Then one day, when Gary went searching for Bo, he got to the fence and
     Bo wasn’t there.  But the gate into the yard was open, and the back door of the
     facility was slightly ajar.  Gary entered and asked the first aide he met if she
     had seen a dog.  The aide pointed to a room where there was a lot of
     commotion going on.  There he found the facility director telling a lady in a
     wheelchair that Bo could not be there.  But when the director tried to take Bo
     from the lady’s lap, the lady slapped the director’s hand.  The director left, but
     not without a few terse words to Gary to keep his dog home.  After a while of
     the lady petting him, Bo jumped down and was willing to go with Gary on his
            But no matter how hard he tried, Gary couldn’t keep Bo home.  And Bo
     had also found diverse ways to get into the nursing home.  Gary thought that
     some of the residents might even be opening their windows to let the dog in.
     One day, when Gary went to get Bo, he decided to just watch.  Bo went from
     room to room, visiting the residents, and the residents seemed to relish his visit.
     But the director was especially angry.
            “If you don’t keep your dog home, I will call the police,” she said.
            “You give me the name of the owner of this facility,” Gary said.  “I
     want him to see what I’ve seen.”
            At first, she refused.  But when he reminded her that the law required
     that anyone can contact those in charge, including the owner, she relented.
            And Gary set out to see if he could make some changes he felt would
     benefit the residents there.

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