Page 3 - Publishing Inspiration Christmas Card 2023
P. 3

Table Of Contents

     Dr.  Bo  (part  1)..........................................................................1

     Dr.  Bo  (part  2)..........................................................................3

     Turkey  Sweaters.....................................................................5

     Small Town Police Reports.....................................................7

     Halloween  Help.......................................................................9

     An Unusual Courtship (Halloween Help Part 2)..................11

     The Prairie Diamond (Halloween Help Part 3)......................13

     Called to Serve (Halloween Help Part 4).............................15

     The  Cookie  Jar  (Halloween  Help  Conclusion)...................17

     Dear Family and Friends,
            Merry Christmas!  Each year we try to choose a selection of stories
     from the short story column Daris writes called Life’s Outtakes.  It is
     always hard to decide which of the 52 weeks’ stories to choose, but we
     hope you like our selection and that it will be inspiring, as well as make
     your Christmas brighter.  Each year we consider not doing booklets at all,
     in case someone finds them boring, but so many of you have told us you
     look forward to sitting down and reading them that we have continued.
     This year I decided to do a first and run some story series as part of the
            If you would like read more, go to
     If you get to Idaho, drop by.  We love to have friends and family come
            Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from all of us at the
     Howard home.
     Daris and Donna Howard
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