Page 9 - Publishing Inspiration Christmas Card 2022
P. 9

are my best friends as far as girls go.  Why don’t you help me find
           out who she is?”
                  Sarah’s countenance brightened at his words, and the two
           girls agreed to join in the sleuthing to learn more about the
           mysterious girl.  They spent much of the morning asking all their
           friends and fellow students.  When the three met as agreed upon at
           lunch, none of them had anything to share.  No one seemed to know
           anyone by that name.
                  As they tried to figure out how she could be unknown to
           everyone they had talked to, Sarah had an idea.  “If no one knows
           her, that would mean she is new here.”
                  “Then how do we find her?” Tyson asked.
                  They all thought for a time, and then Elli said, “I’ve got an
           idea.  The secretaries would know her, especially if she is new.”
                  They agreed that if she was new, they could ask the
           secretaries about her, and it wouldn’t look stalkerish.  So as soon as
           they finished lunch, they went to the office.  But to their dismay, the
           secretaries had not heard of her, nor was she listed in the computer.
                  Through the afternoon, they continued to ask their teachers
           and other students.  Still, the mystery remained unsolved by the time
           they met after school.
                  “This is beginning to freak me out,” Tyson said.  “I have
           some ghost girl who gave me a card.”
                  He sighed.  “Well, I better go before Taylor and Natalie leave
                  “Wait a minute,” Elli said.  “What did you just say?”
                  “I said I better get to the car before my sisters leave me, and I
           have to walk.”
                  “Reverse their names,” Elli said.
                  Tyson laughed.  “You mean like Natalie and Taylor?”
                  Suddenly, Tyson and Sarah realized what Elli was saying.
           They rushed to Tyson’s locker, pulled out the card, and read it.  It
           said, “Have a great day, Natalie and Taylor.”
                  “Well, in my defense,” Tyson said, “the d doesn’t have much
           of a stem and looks like an n.”
                  When I arrived to pick Elli up from school, I saw Tyson and
           Sarah leaving.  “Did your friends need a ride?” I asked.

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