Page 8 - Publishing Inspiration Christmas Card 2022
P. 8

Valentine Mystery
                  My daughter, Elliana, was in her first year of high school
           when she got to see a Valentine’s Day tradition there firsthand.
           Students left notes, hearts, or candy where someone they cared about
           would find them.  This could be on lockers, a classroom desk, a car,
           or anywhere else they knew the right person would come across it.
                  Some were precursors to a hopeful date invitation.  But many
           didn’t have the desired effect, especially if the person giving it was
           too shy to sign their name.  Others were not even manifestations of
           romantic love.  Some were simply notes of friendship or pictures to
           inspire and uplift them on this day.
                  Elliana had a big group of friends, and many of them gave
           Valentines to each other.  One girl in the group, Sarah, especially
           liked Tyson, a guy in the group.  Sarah worked hard to make the
           perfect Valentine, then enlisted Elli’s help to post it on Tyson’s
           locker.  Elli and Sarah then hid to see what he would do.
                  To Sarah’s dismay, Tyson approached his locker carrying a
           card bigger than the one she had made.  She was disappointed and
           wanted to leave, but Elli talked her into at least talking to him.  As
           the two girls approached, he seemed to be staring at the card.
                  “Is something the matter?” Sarah asked.
                  Tyson nodded.  “Look at this Valentine on my locker.  I’m
           sure it’s from Amy.”
                  Elli could see the disappointment on Sarah’s face that he
           hadn’t guessed it was from her.  Sarah looked like she would cry, and
           Elli could tell she was prepared to flee this uncomfortable moment.
                  Elli jumped in to rescue the situation, if possible.  “What
           makes you think it’s from Amy?” she asked.
                  He sighed.  “She has been flirting with me.  But I wish she
           wouldn’t.  She has been spending time with Ben, and Ben is one of
           my best friends.  I don’t like her playing up to him and then flirting
           with me.”
                  He then held up the other card.  “But this one really bewilders
           me.  The card is signed by a Natalie Ann Taylor, and I have
           absolutely no idea who she is.”  Suddenly he smiled.  “Hey, you two

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