Page 6 - Publishing Inspiration Christmas Card 2022
P. 6

Santa Claus

                  I’ve only seen a few people playing Santa this year, and they
           were paid.  I like to do it for the enjoyment, and being paid
           diminishes that for me.  So, when my daughter asked me to play
           Santa for her children, then later asked instead for her entire
           community, I agreed.
                  Most people at the community dinner didn’t think Santa was
           coming and seemed disappointed.  So they seemed happy when they
           learned the news.  “I have a shy little five-year-old daughter,” a lady
           said.  “She would love to see Santa, but not having had the chance
           for almost two years, I think she will be too scared.”
                  The shy little girl came and nervously asked for music from
           the movie Frozen.  When I asked which one, she said both.  “But
           could you make it easy piano music because I’m just learning to
           play?”  We then talked about playing piano, and with a nod from her
           mother, I told her to look for the music on Christmas.
                  There were the normal rambunctious teenagers, and then
           there were some, as always, that touched my heart.  A rebelliously
           dressed teenaged boy said he just wanted his dad to come home.
           And at the end of the line, waiting patiently and quietly until
           everyone else was done, was a little boy about six years old.
           Through the evening, I had just pulled the children close to stand by
           me, afraid the parents would be concerned about them sitting on my
           lap because of Covid.  But he asked specifically if he could sit on my
           lap and give me a hug.  I looked at his mother for permission, and
           she nodded.
                  I pulled him onto my lap, and after a big hug, asked him what
           he wanted for Christmas.  He said, “All I want for Christmas is for
           my parents to get back together so we can be a family again.”
                  My heart melted.  I told him I was sure they loved him, but
           sometimes adults don’t agree on things.  Then I said, “But there is
           one other thing I want you to always remember when things get hard.
           I want you to know I love you.”
                  His mother cried, and the boy hugged me again before
           smiling and taking his candy cane.  I turned and looked at the line.  It

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