Page 6 - Save the Last Dance for Me
P. 6

                             The Important Assignment

                      I am a firm believer that sometimes God
               opens a door for us and gently nudges us into the

               unknown and unfamiliar.  I just as strongly believe

               that sometimes, with His wry sense of humor, he
               opens the door wide and kicks our back end swiftly

               through it.  Thus, to tell this story, I must go back

               before the point where some might think the story
               begins, for knowing what happened partially

               depends on why.

                      I can’t say that I was one to aspire to be a

               scoutmaster.  I, myself, am an Eagle Scout and
               enjoyed the scouting program.  However, that was

               in my younger years, back when my body didn’t

               wince at sleeping on the ground, tramping miles
               upon miles through the mountains, and freezing

               within an inch of death.  Those were great days,

               and I enjoyed them, but I had long since given

               them up for the creature comforts of life: a warm,
               soft bed and a porcelain seat to sit on when nature

               called.  But I am getting ahead of myself, for the

               premise is set, but the reason is not yet told.

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