Page 18 - SuperCowboyFlipBook
P. 18

                                                          2                                           Doing the Lamba Walk                                                 Spring is my                                          favorite time of year.  The                                          trees leaf out, and the air                                          becomes warmer.  After a                                          long winter everything                                          seems fresh and new.  And                                          most important, I get to play                                          outside.                                                 In the spring, the                                          snow melts, leaving lots of     clean mud to play in.  My mother told me that “clean mud”     is an oxymoron.  I don’t know what an oxymoron is.  I     think it must mean fun.            The smell of sagebrush on the north desert is     strongest in the springtime.  I love that smell.  I learned that     when I can also smell wild onions, it is lambing season.            There is a sheep ranch not too far down the road.     When it is time for the baby lambs to be born, they cover     long rows of lambing sheds with tarps that I can see     flapping in the wind.  They keep lights on all night, and I     can hear sheep bleating clear over to our house.            When Mom isn’t looking, I sneak away down the     road to the lambing sheds.  Old Mr. Brown gives me jobs     to help out.  Unfortunately, it is usually cleaning out one of     the stinkin’ sheep pens.            “You might as well make yourself useful so you’re
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