Page 15 - Lifes Outtakes 10
P. 15

left home.  But he still kept about a

       dozen young heifers.

               The night we arrived, he came to

       talk to me.  “Daris,” he said, “the

       heifers were all bred about the same

       time, and if my calculations are

       correct, I think they should be calving

       anytime.  Would you mind checking

       on them for me tomorrow?”

               I told him I would, and the next

       morning right after breakfast, I

       walked out to the pasture.  I hadn’t

       gone very far when I came across one

       of the heifers.  She was lying on her

       side trying to birth a calf, but it was

       stuck.  As I approached her, even in

       her extreme pain, she rose to her feet
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