Page 8 - Publishing Inspiration Christmas Card 2019
P. 8

commotion, because she appeared,

     carrying a baby.

            "What's the matter?" she asked.

            "Mom, Ricky ate all of the

     cookies," the younger girl replied.

            "No, I didn't," Ricky said.

            "Well, all but one that we sold," the

     oldest girl said.

            The mother turned to me.  "If you

     can hang around a minute, I have a

     nice, hot batch in the oven."

            I nodded.  "For hot cookies, I can

     hang around."

            She smiled and went back into the

     house.  I visited with the children, and

     the girls extolled the virtues of their

     mother's cookies.

            I laughed.  "I'm sure I can take

     Ricky's word on that, huh, Ricky?"

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