Page 5 - Publishing Inspiration Christmas Card 2019
P. 5

amount of traffic, though it was

     definitely no city thoroughfare.

            The younger girl came running to

     me as I climbed out of my van.

     "Would you like a cup of lemonade?"

            I nodded.  "In fact, I would like

     four of them, one for each person living

     at my home."

            At the mention of four cups of

     lemonade, their excitement grew.  She

     ran back to their little fold-up table to

     help with the order.  As I approached

     the table, I could see that their sign not

     only said they had lemonade for fifty

     cents, but they had chocolate chip

     cookies for the same price.

            The oldest girl finished filling the

     last cup of lemonade and looked up.

     "Would you like a cookie, too?

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