Page 6 - Publishing Inspiration Christmas Card 2014
P. 6

activities.  Though it wouldn’t be the physical,

     active work she had always done, she knew she

     could at least find some usefulness there.
            She baked bread, pies, and cookies, and

     cooked mounds of mashed potatoes and pots of

     roast beef.  At meal time the workers would
     descend on the kitchen and wolf down the

     meals, grateful for the good food.  That helped

     her feel better, but still she wished she could do

            That was when she noticed the piles of
     laundry.  With the hard, dirty work, and

     everyone out in the fields, the laundry was

     stacking up.  She knew she could do that.  She
     washed load after load.  As the first loads

     started coming out of the dryer, she started

     folding the clothes.  That was when she noticed
     something else she could do.

            Many of her grandchildren’s jeans were
     holey and frayed.  She had grown up during the

     depression, and if there was one thing she knew

     how to do, it was to patch worn out jeans.  She
     stacked everything that needed patching into

     one pile.  She was amazed at how many there


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