Page 13 - Publishing Inspiration Christmas Card 2014
P. 13

What’s In A Nickname?


            I went to the funeral of a friend this month.

     Though we will miss him, the funeral was not

     depressing, but was, instead, a celebration of
     the good life he lived.  Steve faced his many

     trials in life with humor, energy, and a constant
     smile on his face.  He has been an inspiration to

     many, including me, and his goodness, and that

     of his wonderful wife and children, has been a
     blessing to our community.

            I knew quite a bit about Steve.  But as his

     two children told the events of his life, I learned
     even more about pranks he had pulled, and

     funny things he had done.  And as I listened, I
     thought of another story he once told me.

            I had always had a great curiosity about

     how Steve got his nickname.  Everyone called
     him “Cookie”, and for many years, that was all

     I had known him by.  But one day, after I

     finally learned his real name, I asked him how
     he had happened upon his strange moniker.

            Steve grinned his big grin and laughed.

     “Well, it’s really kind of embarrassing.”  He

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