Page 66 - RotalTutor
P. 66

     eaten their fill, he said he had a special surprise.  He     returned to the ice house and came back with a big bowl of     raspberries.  He said they were the very first of the season,     and he wanted her to taste something.  He filled a smaller     bowl with raspberries and poured milk over them.  He then     took honey candy, crushed it into small pieces, and     sprinkled it on top, where it quickly melted.  He pushed the     bowl in front of her.            She cautiously tasted it.  When it touched her tongue,     she squealed with delight.  “That is wonderful!”            Alexander looked pleased.  “It’s not really something     you would eat for dinner, but I happened on it one night     when I snuck down here seeking a midnight snack.  I was     about six.  Back then I used honey, but after I learned about     honey candy from the Eastern trader, I liked it better.  It’s     also good on blackberries, currants and other things.  I     found out, though, that it takes a whole lot more than     honey candy to make gooseberries edible.”            She laughed to think of Alexander as a small boy     sneaking down to the kitchen and making up his own     snacks.  “Did you do that often?”            He blushed as he filled his own bowl with     raspberries.  “Still do.”            She gasped.  “You still do?”            He nodded.  “That’s the only way to get the really     good stuff.  You have to wait until everyone is in bed.  It     beats those fancy things they serve us at meal times.”            She laughed again.  The food that Alexander and his                                       64
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