Page 15 - MailOrderBrideFlipBook
P. 15

     property to be ordered through some magazine!”            The captain was now much subdued.  “That’s not     what her father say.  He say she good girl and bring good     price.”            “You mean she was sold by her own father?”     Whitman asked.            “Da,” the captain replied.  “He tell me he get twenty-     five dollar for her because she know English and is good     cook.”            “Wait a minute,” Eli said, some realization setting in.     “You mean that the money I sent to Molly was used to buy     a bride for me?”            “And pay passage on boat,” the captain said.            Jim looked narrowly up at the captain.  “How much     did she have to pay for a cattle boat ticket?”             “Boat ticket cost fifty dollar.”            “Fifty dollars!” Eli exclaimed.  “Why did Molly     book her passage on a cattle boat?  I sent her over two     hundred dollars!”            The captain whistled.  “Two hundred dollar!  Me     think she must keep most of it.  Me think you lucky not     have such a girl!”            “But I can’t believe Molly would pay money for     someone, as if she were a package that could be bought and     sold,” Eli said.  Then he looked up at the captain.  “And     where did she stay on such a boat among all of the men?”            “She sleep with cows.”            “You made her sleep with the cows?” Eli asked.            The captain was indignant at the accusation of     mistreatment.  “No other bed!  We not passenger boat.     And she not like to be around people.”                                       12
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