Page 4 - Insights Into The Scriptures - The Jaredites
P. 4

Table of Contents
                   10. What is the Book of Ether?
                   11. Why Write This Book?

                   12. Why   Were  Scholars  Originally  Critical  of  the  Book  of

                  When the Jaredites went to war, when was the war over?
                  Did the Jaredites prefer to kill or capture the opposing leader?
                  Does it take a whole army to win a war?

                  What did the Jaredites do with captured leaders?
                  What did the ordinary people do once they got new leaders?
                   13. Are   There   Any   Other   Cultures   That   Match    the

                  Disney® Movie Mulan
                   14. Time Period and Travel

                  Timeline of the Jaredites
                  Where Did the Jaredites Start From?
                  Where and How Did the Jaredites Travel?

                   15. Potential  Reasons    for   Cultural   Jaredite   Cultural

                  Why does the war end when one leader is killed or captured?
                  Why do they prefer to capture the opposing king, and what do
                  they do with him?
                  Why do the people accept the new king?

                   16. Other Unusual Concepts of the Book of Ether
                  Steel and Windows of Glass
                  Animals Mentioned but Not Found When Columbus Came

                  Cureloms and Cumoms

                  King Succession Not Always to Oldest Son
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