Page 21 - Publishing Inspiration Christmas Card 2022
P. 21

was against the floor, but he wasn’t seeing much, if any, effect.  He
           was still heading at a good clip toward the feeder.
                  Realizing he was going to run over the feeder, he veered off.
           The hill was coming up fast, so he tried to turn the tractor along the
           hill rim, but a deep canal blocked his path.  The tractor had only
           slowed a little before it went over the edge of the hill.
                  On the downward slope, the tractor picked up speed.  Seth
           pumped the brakes, but there was still no effect.  He tried to use the
           engine to slow the tractor.  He throttled down and let off the clutch.
           The tractor sputtered and smoked and slowed a bit, but the clutch
           started to slip.
                  At the bottom of the hill was a deep swamp.  Seth knew if he
           went into it, the tractor would sink nearly out of sight.  He looked
           desperately for a way out of his predicament.  That was when he saw
           the old tree stump.  He turned the tractor toward it and lowered the
                  The cows had heard the tractor and were coming up the hill to
           eat.  Seth yelled at them to get out of the way.  Most of them did.
           But as cows always seem to do, one on the right side of the tractor
           decided she had to dash across to the left.  There was nothing Seth
           could do.  The tractor hit her, rolling her most of the way to the
           swamp.  But as he hoped, the tractor also hit the stump and came to
           an instant stop.
                  Seth took some deep breaths, put the tractor in reverse, and
           backed up the hill.  He carefully loaded the hay in the feeder, then put
           the tractor back in the hay yard.  Finally, he went to check on the
           injured cow.  But as he came close, she limped away on three legs at
           a dead run, looking like a drunken peg-legged sailor in a life-and-
           death race.  Seth couldn’t get close enough to check on her no matter
           how he tried.  He decided if she could run like that, she would live,
           and he left to meet his friends.
                  A few days later, the neighbor stopped by to thank Seth for
           his work.  “You know, it seems like every time I leave, one of the
           animals has trouble.  Old number fifteen is so lame she can hardly
           walk.  It appears she slipped and rolled down the hill.”
                  Seth just left it at that.

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