Page 54 - Publishing Inspiration Christmas Card 2010
P. 54
quiet, and withdrawn, and was distrustful of
Tatiana tried to apologize to her own
grandmother, but if her grandmother ever pulled
the Bible out again, it was never while Tatiana
was around. However, just before her
grandmother died, Tatiana came home from
college for a short visit, and the old woman
came to her. She handed her something
wrapped in a blanket, and told her that it was
now hers to cherish or destroy as she desired.
Without even unwrapping it, Tatiana knew
it was the Bible. She thanked her grandmother,
and said she would truly cherish it and protect
Later, Tatiana had to flee Russia. Her
husband had been sentenced to work in some
coal mines because he stood up for a man in his
military unit who was being abused because of