Page 24 - Publishing Inspiration Christmas Card 2009
P. 24

I’m getting really tired of Rod falling asleep in

     class.  The teachers are annoyed at us for not

     keeping him awake, and yet, if we try, he gets

     all mad at us.  I, for one, have had enough.”

             “So what can we do?” I asked.

             Lenny sipped his milk as he considered it.

     We could see the wheels churning, and when

     that happened with Lenny, it was anyone’s

     guess what he would come up with.  Just as Rod

     approached our table, Lenny grinned.  “I’ve got


             “Got what?” Rod asked as he set his tray


             “Oh, nothing really,” Lenny said.  “I think

     I just figured out a solution to a problem in

     math class.”

             “What problem?” Rod asked, starting on

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