Page 5 - Publishing Inspiration Christmas Card 2008
P. 5

but  he  showed  up  for  every  practice.

     Some  football  players  couldn’t  even

     claim that.

            That  year,  as  he  hung  around  the

     practices, we hit on an idea.  With the

     permission of the coaches, we all pooled

     our money and ordered Lloyd a football

     jersey and a silver whistle.  I have never

     seen  anyone  as  happy  with  some


            But that was where our tale began its

     strange  twist,  for  unknown  to  us,  our

     coaches had ulterior motives in allowing

     us to move ahead with our philanthropic

     endeavors.  No sooner had we pulled the

     new jersey over Lloyd’s head and hung

     the  whistle  around  his  neck,  then  the

     head coach stepped forward to address


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